Efforts to Improve Quality

"To satisfy our customers" is the main reason to pursue quality. Komatsu Kogyo is doing various efforts to maintain better quality.

Quality Meeting

We have our partners meet once a half year to conduct "Quality Improvement Meeting" and hold information exchange about quality improvement activities. Furthermore, we use this meeting to share information about safety, disaster prevention, industry trends, our business conditions, etc. and this is an effort to maintain close communication between Komatsu Kogyo and related parties.

Quality Training

We believe that it is important for all employees to act with QC (Quality Control) way of thinking in order to realize quality assurance, and to use appropriate QC methods in actual operation. We conduct quality training systematically for all employees.

Quality, safety and delivery progress meeting

Every Thursday, we conduct progress control meeting (review) about quality, safety, and delivery (mass production, new parts). Through this review meeting, management could control activity progress, pass and share progress to manager and supervisor, furthermore centralized management with same vector is can be realized.

Quality Control Proficiency Test (QC Test)

Quality control proficiency test (QC test) is an objective evaluation of written test throughout the country to measure how much your knowledge about quality control. In order to implement quality control, we consider that quality control awareness, ability, and improvement ability of employees who work there as an important thing, and provide support for employees to learn about "quality control" and acquire QC certification.

Number of QC Certificate Holder
Level 2 2 persons
Level 3 30 persons
Level 4 35 persons
Total 67 persons

As of January 31, 2019

We are fully equipped with various precision measurement instruments and carry out precision measurement.

Our company is actively introduce the latest inspection equipment including 3D coordinate measuring machine to check accuracy of 3D parts.
We are check every item such as size, strength, durability, shape thoroughly, and have established a high level of quality assurance. Everyone is making effort to create high-quality products that meet the "joy" and "reliability" from customer, with the awareness of person in charge of quality assurance. Product which is finished through manufacturing process (finish good) are shipped to car manufacturer under strict inspection.